Thursday, February 19, 2009

Huge Chicken Merlot

Christie recently nabbed a few bottles of wine on sale. I got a kick out of the name and label. This California wine was about $4.50 and is named "Rex ~ Goliath: Giant 47 Pound Rooster: Merlot". I wonder if Rex was in fact a real 47 pound rooster and I also wonder how much he weighed with all the bling hanging around his neck. He obviously competed in the Olympics at some point in time judging by the number of gold medals he owns. Either that or he cleaned up at the county fair. Go ahead and make all the "huge cock" jokes you want in the comments. Oh yeah the wine was pretty decent for the price.


Archer said...

Looks like something I've had before. I'm all about the cheap price.

Chris said...

hey, nice huge cock!
yeah, we've tipped that bottle a few times. does the job just fine.