Friday, May 14, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill Avatars

British Petroleum's logo is a flower that communicates "environmental responsibility" and "bright and happy". They paid a lot of money for their ad agency to develop that brand... I assure you. Too bad they are now the guilty party in one of the world's largest and most damaging oil spills. If you would like to use the graphic above as an avatar on a social network or in any other context feel free. This can be our small way of saying to BP "Gee thanks f&$#%@!". The small graphic is 120 X 120 pix. Largest that most social networks ask for. The large one is 300 x300 pix. Be my guest. Enjoy! *NOTE: THIS LOGO IS A PARODY OF THE ACTUAL BP LOGOTYPE. THE PART COVERED UP BY OIL IS MUCH DIFFERENT THAN THEIR REAL LOGO. 

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