Wednesday, October 20, 2010

BP F&$@s... BP gets F^%$#!

Real quick. You know where I stand on BP. No secret. But I would like to say that anyone affected by the spill should be entitled to as much money s they can get their hands on. That's a no brainer. This is fair. On the other hand, what isn't fair... or what I think is very despicable is all the trash and ghetto motherfuckers making claims and getting money when they truly lost zilch in the whole deal. Exhibit A) My wife works for a large shipping company, not UPS, but I really shouldn't say who it is. Wink, wink. Anyway she deals with people bringing in very obviously forged documentation day in and day out. She said it is unbelievable how much of this is going on. Exhibit B) Just last night at Walgreen's... I was checking out and the little, cashier guy was loudly talking to his co-worker... this is what was said. Him: "Hey they called me today. $1,800.00" She: "How much you ask for?" Him: "$7,000.00" Him: "I know 20 or 30 people that have gotten at least that or more." Me: "Man BP is really getting gamed on this whole deal." Him: "What?" Me: "I'm just saying a lot of people are taking advantage of the whole situation." Him: "Well they offering it." He sort of said that last bit a little more quietly. The whole exchange sort of ticked me off. I would personally like to see all the bogus cash going toward ongoing clean up and wet land restoration, etc. But in the end... way it went after Katrina... way it will go in the future no matter where disaster strikes. There will always be trash looking for a free grab. The End.


Archer said...

How are these idiots getting money? He works at Walgreens!

Unknown said...

Yeah that's what chaps my proverbial ass. HE hasn't missed out on shit. He'll take that money and blow it on bullshit too.

gregor said...

yeah its getting crazy but not surprising at all. our situation is this. wife worked nights and i worked days, wife had to move to days to get hours and then of course we had to get childcare for two kids which aint cheap. the wife did lose some hours, as she was hired on for 40 hours a week. so, she put in what she figured she lost which was about 3k, but we ended up getting 7400? i dont know how they calculated it, but i am not going to argue. I put one in for the daycare and pto time i had to use because of the wife working days. i can see it getting denied, but having to pay for daycare when you werent expecting to have to is really quite a burden and quite frankly a pain in the ass. i just asked for what i was out, nothing more, nothing less. its dirty money, but its coming from bp so fuck em.

Unknown said...

Well you had a valid claim. And yes... Fuck BP. But some of these people that were not affected at all... possibly not even employed to begin with.... it's ghetto, trashy, wrong. I just think that any money not claimed should go toward the restoration of the coast and some of the mice are not nibbling as much as taking mouthfuls.

Chris said...

That guy was just a scavenger.

Unknown said...

Chris... you wouldn't believe how much of that is going on. Ask Christie about it... she deals with it all day long.