Tuesday, March 31, 2009

WTF! Giant Cheetos™?

Ummmmmm.... O.K. this just isn't right. While the cigarette industry was turned into the worst thing since Satan high fived Adolph... and the booze industry was hobbled, Kathy Bates/Misery style in regards to advertising media... these gross snack food companies peddle the true poison. Next time you are out and about in public make a mental note of what a bunch of fat fucks kids are now. Hate to be all down on the little video game jockeys, but hell man... it's ridiculous. Fast food franchises, chain restaurants and all "food" manufacturers should be held accountable. On that note food isn't "manufactured" or "processed", it's grown and harvested, or raised and slaughtered. Sure I enjoy a bag of chips from time to time... just sayin'.


John Hornor said...

I hope they come out with Baked Giant Cheetos. That shit would rock.

We're big fans of the baked lines of Cheetos, Doritos...you know, anything that ends in Os.

You know what I like? Baked Cheetos IN my sandwich. Hells yes.

Macabri said...

I wish we could trust people to be responsible about their eating choices. They eat this sort of crap daily and then wonder why they're fat and start screaming at the snack/fast food companies.

Moderation and personal responsibility people!

(As a side since you mentioned cigarettes and alcohol: I personally believe smoking is an issue because of the second hand ability to screw someone up. You really don't get second hand fat from some idiot eating these things.)

Unknown said...

@John Jacobs. I can get down with the baked cheetos.

@Mac... yeah I feel ya. I don't think the feds should get all up in the ass of any companies personally. And I think people have for the most part abandoned moderation and personal responsibility.

Anonymous said...

@macabri I may not get second hand fat, but I sure do get higher insurance rates from treating all the heart disease, broken joints, back injuries, diabetes, etc caused by Americans' inability to wisely choose what to eat.

Happy Kreg said...

My first reaction was "I WANT TO GO TO THERE!"

Chester is my buddy!

I AM the "fat fuck kid".

(licking orange finger tips)

Jason Lott said...

Soylent Green is people!

Unknown said...

@Kreg... naw you ain't no "fat fuck kid". You know what I be talkin about fool.

Archer said...

my mouth is watering as I write this.

p.s are you lonely yet?

Unknown said...

@Mint Julep... Lonely? Not yet. She just left this afternoon. She isn't even to Mobile yet... hahaha.
She'll be back Thursday and we'll take the first load down Saturday. After that we'll commute and be moving all the while. I'll be sick of that drive by the end of the month.... and possible a little lonely... nah.

Unknown said...

True story. I once paid for a buddy of mine to get Chester Cheetah tattooed on his back. We substituted a cane for the Cheeto... but other than that... spot on.

Chris said...

leave it to you to be up-to-date on Cheetos.